
Spectator sport

Rising stars as breakfast-time spectators: elephant and giraffe

Pointing that lens at me?

The inevitable request to see herself in pictures

Walking backwards with Grammy

Sitting down

Telling Grammy to sit right here

Reviewing photos on a mobile device is also acceptable

9 replies on “Spectator sport”

Thanks! It’s Hazel’s outerwear layer of choice at the moment. She calls it “gammy gammy” because my mom brought it.

I was just signing in to say the same thing AGAIN!
PS – that last photo – also Lucius’s favorite thing to do. In their family at least, smart phones are tightly linked to grandparents – i.e. it’s the grandparents who indulge L. in that activity. (Brita might disagree, since she has an iPhone as well.) 🙂

Wow, it really is a much lauded sweater. Thank you.

Same deal for Hazel as for Lucius. Both grandmothers are very generous with their smart phones even when Hazel manages to find menus that they didn’t know existed.

Right. And I recently heard about one situation where a toddler managed to PURCHASE a bunch of apps on his/her mom’s phone before she knew what was happening! (I think this may be apocryphal. I think you need passwords and such. But it gives one pause….)

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