The grown ups visited Federated Forest State Park without the children
Labor Day beach crawl
First day of school 2024
First day of 5th and 8th grades!
Smile = excited, Fists = nervous, Who wouldn’t relate?
Hazel’s call time is actually quite a bit earlier than Landry’s but he agreed to come outside for pictures and sillies 🙂
Off she went! Junior high schooler!
Randomly assorted activities
Here is a smattering of pictures from this summer that were not otherwise published
And braved a morning of dental work
Chatting in the sun while we wait for Hazel to finish up a day at sailing camp
We attended a friend’s musical
Playing video games with Oliver!
Landry spotted a gorgeous barred owl!!!!
Strawberry lemonade popsicle alongside big ideas
Another session in the dental chair. Props to Lando for his grit!
Rainier and regatta
One week in mid-August included a day trip to Rainier followed by a sailing regatta. Not your typical R&R 🙂
The air smelled smoky but the views were still spectacular
There was a young marmot crawling along the rocks at the edge of this stream
Parents up front, kids off to the side
All of the lugging in addition to the sailing
These two came out to Bainbridge too
And did a lot more than just watch sailing
Hazel’s triumphant return to the docks after a terrific set of races
The travels of Hazel & Momma
The adventures of Landry & Supey
Wind Clinic
Hazel participated in a high wind sailing clinic in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon!
First step: Unload the trailer and prepare the boats
Go for a sail! Get tossed all around in the wind! Capsize once or twice or thrice
Meet with a coach, learn some tips, talk about strategy, and have a snack
Sunrise 2024
We set out on Monday for beautiful Mount Rainier
Lookin’ like a cool dude all the while
You wouldn’t believe how many pictures I took of my family’s backs
Thankfully somebody took some pictures of our faces!
Photo credit to Hazey for this pic and the one above
Near Frozen Lake we saw not one but TWO marmots at close range!
Frozen Lake… true to its name, even in July, and look at that gorgeous color blue in the ice!
Early summer in NH
We spent some time at the lake in June and July! We swam, hiked and saw friends!
There was a lot of sailing, but more on that later…
Landry lost his most prominent shark tooth. Wow!
Who led us on a delightful trip to Waukeela (Thanks Brita!)
Back at the homestead the girls taught themselves to write with their feet
We set out to hike to the top of Mt. Willard
And we made it to the beautiful summit!
Crawford Notch is always a crowd pleaser
The kids wrote, directed, and produced an original theatrical production!