W o w, Hazel! Between menorah lighting, dreidel spinning, tree decorating and cookie baking, you are a VERY busy girl during the holidays!!! These pics are wonderful! Love to you ALL!
Yes, all that and being twenty months old! It’s a lot
I LOVE these pictures! What a fun holiday Hazel is having!
Next year you guys should join us for a night or two!
4 replies on “Happy Hanukkah”
W o w, Hazel! Between menorah lighting, dreidel spinning, tree decorating and cookie baking, you are a VERY busy girl during the holidays!!! These pics are wonderful! Love to you ALL!
Yes, all that and being twenty months old! It’s a lot
I LOVE these pictures! What a fun holiday Hazel is having!
Next year you guys should join us for a night or two!