
Playground playgroup

Boats and floats at playground playgroup

Outdoor baby (day 9, playground 4)

“Mommy, I’ll watch baby brother” (One of two times Hazel volunteered to do this today. Also she is eating a wedge of lime, a new favorite)

At least one project a day these days

An oft-seen, seldom photographed angle of Landry’s head

And another of the usual angle

4 replies on “Playground playgroup”

Wow! You can really see how dark Landry’s hair is when you take a side angle picture!

I have to ask: how did the first wedge of lime come to be consumed?
(Lucius sucked on lots of lemon wedges when he was much younger than Hazel, so I’m not judging!)

Hazel simply asked to try some one day and it was a hit! She and Annie had just picked up a big bag of them at the big warehouse store.

May be a genetic thing…I’m a huge fan of limes and lemons!! Landry appears to be one peaceful, blissed out baby!

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