Those cheeks must get bombarded a thousand times a day.
And fab videography! I bet Hazel looks forward to a long, distinguished career in the business. xo
I LOVE the cheeks, the popping sounds, Landry’s incredible smile, Hazel’s giraffe and Big Sister energy and the book worm shirt!! (not necessarily in that order!) Easysticks is THE BEST!
3 replies on “Kissable”
Those are some seriously wonderful cheeks!!
Those cheeks must get bombarded a thousand times a day.
And fab videography! I bet Hazel looks forward to a long, distinguished career in the business. xo
I LOVE the cheeks, the popping sounds, Landry’s incredible smile, Hazel’s giraffe and Big Sister energy and the book worm shirt!! (not necessarily in that order!) Easysticks is THE BEST!