We were greeted by a peacock upon entry (and isn’t Hazel’s protective stance cute?)
Hazel gasped when she spotted some close range cats
Roaring like tigers
Pride of the pride
Landry practiced walking backward
He also found a bit of green space
4 replies on “Our zoo”
Hazel’s stance in photo 3 is so…grown-up?! She looks about 7 in that picture.
Is it not terribly cold there? Your jackets look sort of medium-weight compared to what folks are wearing on the east coast these days.
4 replies on “Our zoo”
Hazel’s stance in photo 3 is so…grown-up?! She looks about 7 in that picture.
Is it not terribly cold there? Your jackets look sort of medium-weight compared to what folks are wearing on the east coast these days.
Mid-fifties and sunny on our zoo day! Pretty rad.
I love the ownership in this title!