
Trip part 1: NH

We hiked up Foss Mountain on our first full day in NH (That’s Hazel up there in the distance, trail blazing)

Silver Lake is that long skinny one in the distance

We were a big group to the summit including Grammy, Grampy, and Heather

That’s Mt. Washington over Landry’s left shoulder

That afternoon there were wagon rides

And first otter pops of the season

Hazel decided to deliver everything that needed to be put away by rug

Another day, another hike

This time to the beautiful Madison Cascades

Landry skipped his nap after the Cascades hike to watch the dock being put into the lake

No nap Cain

The next day was Friday, so we went to the dump

Hazel set out with binoculars, a notebook and a marker to make observations in nature

Landry made some of his own observations over lunch

Playground time

Most beautiful convenience store ever (That’s Mount Chocorua in the background)

Grammy and Hazel in the bandana club

Hike number three to a new wildlife sanctuary in town

Later we walked the driveway with Grampy

He does two laps, so Hazel grabbed some wheels for the second one

That night we had dinner with Cousin Patrick and his parents

Final hike for our final full day: Diana’s Baths

The approach streams ended up being more engaging than the destination this time

Six thumbs up for New Hampshire!

2 replies on “Trip part 1: NH”

Love, love, love these hikes. Many points (green, white, purple…whatever) to the hikers, nature observers, walkers, dock putter-iners, and grandparent-ers!

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