This is part two of our vacation week in New England. Click here for part one.
Just arriving at Silver Lake…chaos in a beautiful setting
It was unseasonably warm on Tuesday; the remaining snow won’t last long at that rate!
Supey joined us via video chat for some present opening
Landry picked this Frozen jump rope for his sister
Midmorning: dreams come true (for a lemonade stand) at the Mount Washington Valley children’s museum
That’s Hadley and baby Townsend on the video now
The last activity of the day was a nature walk led by the birthday girl
Time for a timer shot (there were lots of outtakes for this party of five)
Reading before bed with Grampy
I love the deserted off seasons in NH
One reply on “April vacation: New Hampshire”
Looks like you hit some fabulous weather up there. Hurray! And quite the (additional) birthday celebration. 🙂