
Pine Barrens direct

We hit the trail at the lovely Pine Barrens this morning. We realized we’d taken a wrong turn in the snow in December

This time we found the scenic view platform! (And Landry brought a piece of Nerds gummy clusters candy to our family selfie…)

We walked past dozens of teeny, tiny, hopping toads. No bigger than Hazel’s fingernails!

3 replies on “Pine Barrens direct”

Being – (now) – from New Jersey, it’s pretty funny to see the name Pine Barrens applied to a place in NH. We have some monumentally famous Pine Barrens down here. (Unless of course you ARE in NJ, but I kinda doubt it.) 😉 It’s looking gorgeous up there. We had only one DAY in NH this summer, for the Lucius drop-off, and otherwise it will be a sadly NH-free summer for the senior Z’s. 🙁 !

Pine barrens are rare in NH! According to The Nature Conservancy, which owns this preserve in Ossipee, the site is “New Hampshire’s last intact pitch pine-scrub oak woodland.” Cool, huh?!

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