Getting close (but not too close) to Auntie Marika
Airplane ride to Hawaii
3 replies on “Hanging at Grandma Linda’s”
WTF???? You guys are/were here and poor ol’ cousin Nate gets zero notice??? And in Seattle no less. For shame. How do I get put back on the list of notified for visitation?
Well, you see, there’s a leaderboard, and everything depends on a complex scheme of favors, bribes, backstabbing, lies and political maneuvering.
Cousin Nate, the Cains were sick with the plague. We didn’t want to spread it! Don’t worry – they’ll be back for Christmas.
3 replies on “Hanging at Grandma Linda’s”
WTF???? You guys are/were here and poor ol’ cousin Nate gets zero notice??? And in Seattle no less. For shame. How do I get put back on the list of notified for visitation?
Well, you see, there’s a leaderboard, and everything depends on a complex scheme of favors, bribes, backstabbing, lies and political maneuvering.
Cousin Nate, the Cains were sick with the plague. We didn’t want to spread it! Don’t worry – they’ll be back for Christmas.