Categories Uncategorized Rediscovered Post author By Katie Post date February 3, 2014 7 Comments on Rediscovered There is nothing quite like the put-away toy, rediscovered Play dough: not rediscovered but still enjoyed ← Cat in a bag → Brushing a dusting 7 replies on “Rediscovered” Wow, that is a really cool helicopter! Thanks! Do you remember Hess trucks/helicopters from your youth? They were always coveted by Hadley and me. This ‘copter is from Uncle Had. No, they were sadly not a part of my childhood! Clearly I missed out! What a huge rediscovery!! A loud one, at that! Super fun! Not even too loud. Yes! I remember the Hess truck (but from Cree’s childhood…not mine!) He loved it.. . Yay! He clearly has great taste in trucks Comments are closed.
Thanks! Do you remember Hess trucks/helicopters from your youth? They were always coveted by Hadley and me. This ‘copter is from Uncle Had.
7 replies on “Rediscovered”
Wow, that is a really cool helicopter!
Thanks! Do you remember Hess trucks/helicopters from your youth? They were always coveted by Hadley and me. This ‘copter is from Uncle Had.
No, they were sadly not a part of my childhood! Clearly I missed out!
What a huge rediscovery!! A loud one, at that!
Super fun! Not even too loud.
Yes! I remember the Hess truck (but from Cree’s childhood…not mine!) He loved it.. .
Yay! He clearly has great taste in trucks