What were you climbing? Was this Hazel’s first hike?!
No hikes. Just ‘up’ as in up to New Hampshire for some fun. We pulled off the road near some trees!
We still have the hiking ‘first’ to look forward to, but wasn’t this a pretty spot for a rest from the car?
Yes! It’s beautiful with the trees and the purple!
Ah, “on the way up.” Understandable confusion. Next weekend it’ll be “on the way west”!
Just realized that my last two comments in a row were about confusion in wording. What I really mean to say is “OH MY GOODNESS, HAZEL IS THE BEST BABY IN THE GREATER BOSTON AREA.”
We aim for a little mystery here on this blog. It promotes participation!
And WOW, thanks, those are quite the ALL CAPS accolades for young Hazel.
8 replies on “Rest stop”
Cute photo. Love the purple.
What were you climbing? Was this Hazel’s first hike?!
No hikes. Just ‘up’ as in up to New Hampshire for some fun. We pulled off the road near some trees!
We still have the hiking ‘first’ to look forward to, but wasn’t this a pretty spot for a rest from the car?
Yes! It’s beautiful with the trees and the purple!
Ah, “on the way up.” Understandable confusion. Next weekend it’ll be “on the way west”!
Just realized that my last two comments in a row were about confusion in wording. What I really mean to say is “OH MY GOODNESS, HAZEL IS THE BEST BABY IN THE GREATER BOSTON AREA.”
We aim for a little mystery here on this blog. It promotes participation!
And WOW, thanks, those are quite the ALL CAPS accolades for young Hazel.