
Mother’s Day 2014

It was a beautiful day to go to a park

We scrambled up and down a steep side trail

And at the playground Hazel walked across this balance beam by herself for the first time!

Can’t squirm away from Mommy on Mother’s Day!

More balancing

Baby brother at 35 weeks

What’s this?

Why, it’s a hopscotch court of course! Supey continues to be brilliant at this kind of project…

5 replies on “Mother’s Day 2014”

Hopscotch looks like a complete blast!! Also love the baby bro 35 months pic, Hazel looks like such a proud big sis!

Brilliant hopscotch court! Blue tape is useful for EVERYTHING! (Did you know that Horace Mann School runs on the stuff, and it was our main baby proofing tool when T was smaller?)

I’m weighing in on the indoor hopscotch idea and implementation: BRILLIANT is right!! …and Hazel looks pretty proficient at it! Also love the baby brother shot!!

Yes, absolutely brilliant. And I promise you that still photos can lie: Hazel is just learning to balance on one foot; hopping is still a ways off, but nevertheless a worthy goal!

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