Hazel earned a Mount Rainier Junior Ranger badge after completing a workbook about her visits to the park
First order of business was the tent
Hazel hung out in the tent with Lambie while I cooked the mac & cheese
After dinner we put that teepee to work! Yum!
Farewell Chipmunk Rock Campground (affectionately nicknamed by Hazel)
Back at the ranch these two were thick as thieves
Barefoot big foot there with a big smile (He has been outgrowing his shoes left and right!)
The four of us reunited in time for some splish splash pool time
2 replies on “Hazel’s first camping trip”
JUSTLY proud of that teepee!
Wow – SO exciting that camping trip, and looks like you had divine weather. Did the overnight in the tent go seamlessly?
Training H for the AT or the PCT? 😉