
Crane spotting

We met Supey for lunch today

And spotted…

A close-range crane in action!

I haven’t mentioned recently how much Hazel loves Lincoln. Some things never change 🙂


Farm footprints

The cottontail rabbit was above ground today and we saw her enclosure being cleaned and prepped for the day (The captive wild animals are given novel smells and items to explore every day)

Walking in a skunk’s shoes

The lowest branches of this (flowering!) tree were low enough for Hazel to reach

Pink trees and pink shirts

Heading back home



Hazel ditched Mommy in favor of the WFN employees at Tumble Time today

Here she is, way far away, during the circle songs

Little scientist at work

We’ve been waiting for these beauties to bloom!

Hazel and Supey took turns drawing the stripes of the world’s tallest rainbow

Here’s Hazel standing in the circle she drew around herself


Cars and tools

Taking a carrot break from building a whole town for cars

There’s Hazel’s mid-level stairs workshop. She’s patching up a shovel


Height chart

Hazel got a height chart from the WFN, decorated it at home with drawings and stickers…

And presto!


Mother’s Day 2014

It was a beautiful day to go to a park

We scrambled up and down a steep side trail

And at the playground Hazel walked across this balance beam by herself for the first time!

Can’t squirm away from Mommy on Mother’s Day!

More balancing

Baby brother at 35 weeks

What’s this?

Why, it’s a hopscotch court of course! Supey continues to be brilliant at this kind of project…


Waiting in line

For cookies


Empty once again

Small crowds at the farm today

And an entertaining new feature at the sensory tree: drum sticks!

Here Hazel was lodging mulch into mulch-sized holes

Drawing lines in the dirt with a big stick

Dirt and tools are available again in the garden!

This might have been the only time we’ve been alone with the wooden chicken eggs for any length of time. Hazel was in hen house heaven

Face to face with goats

These three are part of a group of four (3 goats, 1 lamb) that have been hand-fed by farmers since birth due to complications with their mothers and are especially friendly to humans, not to mention cute!

Trotting off side by side


All hands dinner

Hazel invented an “I’m stuck” stop-and-go slide game today (Also OMG, look at that beautiful flowering tree!)

Here’s where Hazel was trying to get me to climb up a climbing structure. She offered to help me up, sweet thing

We made pancakes for dinner! Hazel and Supey on batter duty, Mommy on the griddle

Waiting ever so patiently for a first bite

I loved the light here — captured an evening video chat


Mothers’ Day Tea

All dressed up for the special WFN tea this morning, and a gloriously springy morning it was (n.b. Hazel is apparently capable of a fake smile at age three)

When Hazel got close to this clump of plants a rabbit darted out and ran away!