
Oliver Charles Cain

My nephew popped onto the scene this morning at 7:10am.  He is bright eyed and ready to make his way in the world.

Some of the rest of us are a little tired, most especially Oliver’s mom (way to go Marika!!!!!).

He just squeaked under the New Year’s wire and I am thankful he arrived before I had to leave.   More later, for sure.

5 replies on “Oliver Charles Cain”

Congratulations! As I have just returned from loving/corrupting my young nephew, I wish you all the best as you begin your journey to be Best Aunt Ev-ah.

Ooh, I might have to do a debriefing for some expert pointers. I guess it’s a lifelong journey, this Best Aunt Ev-ah business.

Almost a new years baby…. At least lil OCC has survived 2007, and has pooping, crying, eating, crawling, talking, and being adorable, and maybe walking to look forward to in 08. It’s gonna be a big year for him.

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