Not all the new shows have aired yet, but I just want to express a little disappointment. I was looking forward to Glee and Community, but just found them to be so-so. Accidentally on Purpose was just as I thought it would be, which was mildly enjoyable. Jay Leno was gosh awful.
I still hold out a little hope for Modern Family and maybe even Flash Forward.
Is it because I only like what I know? Is it because shows need time to blossom? Whatever the case may be, I was pleased to watch a new episode of the Office and I look forward to 30 Rock and Dexter coming back. Heck, I am even looking forward to the return of Lost even though I hate every episode and yet cannot stop watching.
Any thoughts?
18 replies on “Fall TV so far”
I’m looking forward to Trauma and Modern Family. And of course, I am a Dancing with the Stars FANatic so I was quite pleased/uncomfortable with Tom Delay scooting and shimmying around in a brown-leopard getup.
I’m trying not to get too excited about Modern Family but it does look like a winner.
No Dancing with the Stars for me, but I did forget to mention SYTYCD. The auditions bit isn’t my favorite, but I think it’s gonna be a good season.
I like the new HBO show “Bored to Death”. The first episode is free on itunes.
This season of Mad Men has been so great – I wish each episode lasted more than an hour. I can’t get enough.
We watched the new Melrose Place, and it’s pretty cheeseariffic. We watched the second episode too. But it’s not getting added to the DVR.
I’m definitely going to check out Bored to Death. Perhaps if I’m ever stuck home sick or something I will watch Melrose Place online. Ha!
Mad Men! I do believe that’s the one I most look forward to. It’s so darn good. In fact, I have Sunday’s episode saved to watch tonite.
I was also pretty darn disappointed in Community, although I was pleasantly surprised to see Chevy Chase in it. I think if there had been more Chevy and less annoying chatty guy it would have been better.
Do you watch House? I loved the season opener on Monday.
I have only watched a few House episodes. I’m thinking it’ll be a good one to watch on a long plane ride.
Are we supposed to like that annoying chatty guy in Community?
House is my favorite so far. of course with no tv, I am left to mooch of those of my more near-by friends.
grey’s anatomy, yo!!! and dancing with the stars, breaking bad (whenever it starts), chopped, chef vs. city.
Community improved slightly with its second episode, but it’s still up in the air. Modern Family was very funny, so I hope the second episode is too. We missed Flash Forward, so we’ll have to catch up. But you should be watching Castle! Nathan Fillion is so charming! It’s a good, light-hearted show that makes me smile…and giggle like a school girl at Nathan Fillion.
All right, that’s the second reco for Castle I’ve gotten recently so it’s going on the list.
I have not seen Breaking Bad. But I have heard good things.
Favorites include:
Castle ( I watched last season and loved it)
So You Think You Can Dance
Dancing With the Stars
Top Chef
Project Runway
Royal Pains
Iron Chef America
Modern Family
Who has this much time to watch TV?
Oh Project Runway! I’m liking this season. I think I forgot to watch Modern Family this week. Thanks for the reminder Mom!
Top chef, project runway and Mad men are probably my favorite shows. And, i really like gossip girl. I think flash forward will be good, and i don’t see why everyone is disappointed in glee.
Have you seen The Wire? You should netflix it, it’s Amazing! True blood was really good this season two, so you could catch up on that too.
Are you listening to any good music?
Um, did I forget to mention Vampire Diaries?
I have seen all five seasons of the Wire. It was amazing. I am also all caught up on True Blood and thought season two was even better than the first.
Glee, I don’t know. I can’t stand it. I guess I don’t get it.
As for music, I have been listening to a lot of hip hop type stuff lately. Jay-Z and Kid Cudi are in my current rotation. The xx is also one of my favorites of the year.