The people have spoken.
7 people encouraged a big screen and wanted to play some Mario Kart, 3 people said to go for it if I wanted and one person objected on the grounds of earth-harming consumerism.
Now, I don’t live my life according to how people vote on my website. But I did buy a new television.
After reading reviews and doing other research, I ordered up the model I wanted from Amazon as it was available there for the cheapest price. The local delivery company dropped it off over the weekend and I am in business. I don’t have anything HD, but the new TV is already a blast. Mario Kart is amazing, the Netflix looked great and regular television is even a little sharper than before.
I thought about taking a picture to post here, but I think I’ll just link to the product page (I’ll link to, since I like them better than Amazon).
Full cable? HD? Who has it? Do I need it?