
Library cafe

This picture contains evidence of lots of different kinds of projects

First pencil drawing, then eraser drawing

We visited the library cafe for the first time today (shocking, I know). Hazel called it the “coffay”

Sunshiney onesie for the heat of the afternoon


Head up

Sutton helped Hazel squirt ant holes

Learning to pump up the red ball

Holding Supey and looking at Mommy

Looking pretty skeptical


Chase slowly

Early morning with the sibs

Whole side of the extended family together (Hasn’t happened since November and on that day Landry was still on the inside)

Uncle up and Hazel down at the blue playground

Bouncy bounce

Look at that cool dude of an alert baby

Supey with her organic, handcrafted magic wand

Hazel asked Grampy to chase her slowly and not catch her. When the first attempt was too close she changed it to chasing very slowly


Rainy holiday

This rainy holiday was made more exciting by a visit from Uncle Had and Auntie Kate and doggy Clementine

They met Landry

And he met them

And they played outside as weather allowed

Though Hazel and Supey even play when weather might not allow!

So cute

All four of us wore blue today for Independence Day


One month in

Landry is one month old today!

He had his one month checkup today: 20.5 inches long, 10 lbs 14.5 ounces

This is what 10th percentile for height and 77th for weight look like

Lincoln stopped by for a sniff (he blends in up there in the upper left)

This smile is eerily similar to one that Hazel gave us on her one month birthday

Sunglasses, check. Sticker, check. “Suitcase” with stuffed animal, check.

Here’s Hazel answering literally the sing-songy question How big is Landry?

Family huddle in the wind from the air conditioner


Crib series

“Suuuuupey, Suuuuupey…”

They caught a breeze and a cuddle before Supey headed to work this morning

And look! We made it out of the house!


One of each





Tea party with real water

We finally got to take Supey to the nest in the woods at the farm

Where Hazel found a huge wild turkey feather

And flew

Here I am the mommy bird hatching Hazel the baby bird

Feathers can also be seat belts, of course

Apparently Landry can read because he knew right when we settled in at the snack area

Wading with Brita

Can anyone get more relaxed than this?


Baby convention 2014

I love everything about this picture of Landry in his new hat (Thanks BKZ!)

A moment without sun cover


Hazel works up a thirst while scooting

She loved her H cup at the playground

Brita meets Landry

Equal opportunity Brita time

Melinda joined the baby convention today

Nakey baby