
Cheap booze

My liquor cabinet was dry and it was time to resupply.  I went to snag new versions of what was empty but stopped short when I saw the price.  I couldn’t remember if I had really been paying that much for a bottle of bourbon, but the proof was right there on the price tag.  So I let my eyes drift downward and recalled reading something about underrated cheaper liquor.  I recalled the story well enough to remember Evan Williams being reviewed as the best, so I decided to try something different.

Well, apparently I’m not the only one shunning top shelf choices.  The New York Times reports that less expensive liquor is popular right now.


Give me something to talk about

Enough already.  I know I haven’t updated in a long, much too long, while.  If you want some excuses, here they are.

  • It’s winter (in case I had forgotten, the blizzard yesterday was a good reminder that the nastiness is far from over just because it’s March)
  • I am still fighting off a winter cold
  • Um, it’s winter?

So, why don’t you write the post?  I’m obviously stuck in a rut.  So make it happen for me.  I need something new.  If not brand new to the world, then brand new to me.  New music, new book, new movie, new recipe, new hobby, new game, new product, new anything.  Whatcha got?



As you know (hopefully, I mean do you know me at all?!?) I am less than six months away from the big 3-0.  My twenties are nearing an end.  So far I’m not too upset about crossing over into pure grown up territory.

What I am worrying about is how to celebrate.  30 years of Annie Jo?  It’s got to be momentous.  It’s got to be huge.  Easy, you say, just have a momentously huge party.  Ah, but my friends and family span the globe.  Or at least are divided between West Coast and New England.

So now what?  Force people to travel across the country in these troubled economic times?  Have two parties?  Forget the whole party idea and travel to a remote tropical island to celebrate in peace?


My Super Bowl pick

Just kidding.  I don’t know much about NFL, but it does seem like the Steelers are expected to win and I like cheering for an underdog.  So, go Cardinals!

Mostly I love the Super Bowl for an excuse to eat nachos and drink beer. I do wish it came on a little earlier over here on the Atlantic coast.

Anybody else making nachos?  Or something equally delicious?  Who are you rooting for?


Odds & ends

Either something has shifted in my brain or I have been a lucky book selector over the past few weeks. The vampire books and The Book Thief were all super fantastic and my holiday vacation pick, Slam, was also very, very good. Just like the others, this one is billed as a young adult read, which is probably why I hadn’t seen it. I am generally up on the latest from Nick Hornby. At any rate, it is highly recommended by me.

On an impulse buy, I snagged this pup tent for cats from IKEA. It was on sale. The funny thing is that Lincoln actually likes it.

aunthood update


Happy Boxing Day to everyone.

Thankfully, I made it out west with only a couple hours delay.  I am grateful to everyone who crossed fingers and sent good luck vibes my way.

Oliver was a happy Christmas nephew and, even though Crosby the cat was crazy and a nasty stomach bug had felled a few people, I thought it was a good holiday.

How could it not be with this little guy?


What the snow?

When I go from the Northeast to the Northwest for the holidays, I expect a little respite from the bitter cold.  It’s like a warm vacation, usually.

But instead of a few rain showers and a toasty fire, I am told there’s chilly weather and snow waiting for me.

Perhaps this year I am not destined to leave my gloves and boots behind.  Wish me luck traveling across the country.


Don’t forget about Dexter

Is anybody watching season three of Dexter?  I am and it is good.  Actually, it’s great.

Seriously, if you haven’t watched this show, start back at the beginning.  It’s on DVD.  What’s that you say?  It’s recession times?  Well, check it out from the library.  My library has the first two seasons available.

Has anyone read the books that the show is based on?  Darkly Dreaming Dexter is the first one.  Maybe that will be my holiday reading.


Fire up the French horn

Now that the turkey is officially leftovers, it is legal to listen to holiday music.  Last year I enjoyed the Peace on Earth album.  Well, this year, the second volume is available. The proceeds go to help kids in Uganda and the music is good, so what’s stopping you?

Peace on Earth : A Charity Holiday Album Vol. II



UPDATE: The winning phrase is in!  Roasted turkey with gravy.  Lana Banana has taken home the trophy!

It’s nearing the end of the month and I’m running out of things to write about.  So, how about a game of hangman?

r _ aste _    t _ r _ e _    wit _    gra _ _

Leave a comment to guess a letter.