

This is a short cheat of a post because I said I would post every day this month.

Plus I still want the pie poll up near the top.


Late to the reusable party

After many guilt-filled trips through the Trader Joe’s checkout line, I have finally purchased a reusable bag.  Though I have forgotten to bring it along on every subsequent trip, it’s bound to catch on with me one of these days.

This one was cheap ($.99) and soft.   Hopefully I can use some of my brown paper bag stash as gift wrap this Christmas.  It is a recession.  I think I’ve used the word ‘recession’ in most of my posts this month.


Celtics, Cheerios and Muppets

If I were to go to only one NBA game in my life, last night’s was the one.  It was neck and neck the entire time, the Celtics were down by 1 with 7 seconds left and bammo, sunk the basket to win!

Not into basketball?  Watch little nephew Oliver race around his living room.

One last thing for today is Today. I watch the show pretty much every weekday while I get ready for work. I eagerly look forward to the segments that are waved in front of my nose and I shout out disappointment every single time because they are pretty much never any good.

This morning, however, was the best Today show ever. The Muppets took over for a half hour and it was really hilarious. They made fun of the show just like I do every morning. Thank you, Muppets. Here’s a little taste for anyone who missed it (though they’re missing some of the good parts).


Last minute sports spectating

It seems I’m headed to the Celtics game tonight.  This will be my first NBA game.  Last year I attended my first NHL game.  The only one of the big four professional sports that I’ll have left is NFL.  I think I’ll have to go somewhere other than Patriot’s territory to snag tickets to a professional football game.


Steals & deals

It seems to me that there are more sales going on this year.  Makes sense with the recession times and all.  Today Old Navy offered up fleece hats and scarves for $1 each.  I got a nice warm set for two smackeroos.  Certainly I already have hats and scarves, but when they must be worn every day during the long winter, a nice variety is essential.

Anybody else getting some good deals?


Lunch solution

When the weather turns cool, I usually switch from sandwiches to soup for my lunch at work.  Carrying the soup has been a bit of a problem.  I first bought the usual plastic bowl with a lid.  It worked okay for keeping the soup contained and heating in the microwave, but it stained easily.  Next up was a slightly better plastic container that was easily to clean and left no soupy stains.

Then I started hearing the scary stories about poisonous plastic and sure enough the hard container was one of the worst offenders when it came to BPAs and whatnot.  I kept my eyes peeled for a new solution, but before I had found my answer the container cracked.

I had tried a nice glass container with a plastic lid that worked for most food, but wasn’t leak proof enough for soup.

Finally I have arrived at the Thermos.  The stainless steel is, as far as I’m aware, not toxic.  The vacuum seal both prevents leaks and keeps my soup warm enough to eat by the time lunch rolls around. So far so good with this solution.


Vote vote vote

I rocked the vote before work this morning.  There wasn’t much of a line.  My polling place is right across the street, which is nice.  What isn’t nice is the lack of ‘I Voted’ stickers.  To let everyone know I did indeed vote, I wore my election shoes.

To continue the festivities tonite, I am making an all-American dinner of pizza.  I may even drink an all-American beer to celebrate (or drown my sorrows).

How was everyone’s voting experience?  My ballot was paper, with bubbles that get filled in using a felt tip pen.  Massachusetts had three ballot questions and I hope I answered them the way that I meant to answer.

Just in case anyone forgot or something and just in case this website has any influence at all, go vote!


End of the road, trip

This side of the country makes it easy to roll through five states (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts) in one day.  Yesterday was a lovely day for a football match.  The Penn game was a little less crazy than I remember the Huskies games being.

After the game, we headed into the city.

Yet another shot of me having a snack.  This time at Reading Terminal Market.


Ready, set

This first update is going to be short. I am on the road. So I will cheat. Here’s little Brown Olibear.


Daily updates, coming soon

Though it seems NaBloPoMo is no longer limited to just the month of November, I am going to participate next month, as I did last year.

This time around I have an Ace in the hole because I could just post a picture of adorable Oliver any time I can’t think of something to write about.

Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the meat poll.  Also don’t think that I base decisions about my health on a poll of my friends and loved ones, but most people felt a little meat might do me some good.  I agree.  I will give it another try.  Sometime.